Metarhizium Anisopliae, Metarhizium Robertsii , Water soluble Powder

Weight: 200g
Sale price€55,56


Metarhizium anisopliae, also known as Metarhizium robertsii or Entomophthora anisopliae, is a mitosporic fungus that occurs naturally in soil worldwide. It acts as a parasitoid and causes disease in various insects. It was formerly classified under the Hyphomycetes form class of the phylum Deuteromycota. This fungus has long been recognized for its potential in biological control against arthropods.

Solubility: water soluble
Microbial count: 10 billion CFU/gram
Mositure: 12% max.

Metarhizium anisopliae (robertsii) is effective against a wide range of pests, including Orthoptera (locusts), Lepidoptera (moth pests), Diptera (mosquito pests), and Coleoptera (beetles). It can also target underground pests like grubs, cutworms, and ground maggots. Over 200 pests from seven orders are susceptible to this fungus, such as aphids, thrips, leafhoppers, whiteflies, scarabs, weevils, mites, midges, ticks, bollworms, cabbage caterpillars, diamondback moths, cockroaches, locusts, termites, flies, and mosquito larvae.

Recommended dosage of Metarhizium anisopliae per hectare is between 3,000 to 12,000 grams. Alternatively, it can be diluted into a 0.1 to 0.2 billion/ml solution.

The recommended dosage can be adjusted to suit your specific needs and situation.

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