MarkNature cellulase was produced by Trichoderma species using modern genetic engineering technology, microbial fermentation technology, and advanced post-processing techniques. It is composed of multiple ingredients and can degrade cellulose in fibers to create simple sugars efficiently, thus improving the utilization of raw ingredients. It is widely used in manufacture of feed, textile, fuel ethanol, alcohol, Chinese medicine extraction, food, fruit juice-processing, etc.
CAS No.: 9012-54-8
EC No.: 232-734-4
Chemical Formula:C18H37N(CH3)2
Appearance: White powder
Synonyms: Ku-zyme; Kutrase; Aspergillus niger
Activity(Neutral): 2925 U/g
Activity(Acidic): 10000 U/g~20000 U/g
Keep container tightly closed.
Store in a dry place.